Dziękujemy, Jerzy Kowalski

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Komponenty XBRL dla taksonomii Europejskich

Custom components supporting customers in EU working with EBA / EIOPA / SRB / ESMA ESEF / ECB / ESRS taxonomies.

APIs and tools covering usage scenarios specific for EU region. Fully integrable with Interstage XWand API and Interstage XWand Toolkit.
Custom components
  • Renderers
    • Instance content rendering to MS Excel
    • Following templates definition from taxonomy
    • Rendering validation errors on top of visualized templates content
    • Dedicated tabs with validation errors list
    • Cells references to simplify navigation through complex worksheets


  • Validators
    • European Filing Rules component
      • EBA Filing Rules engine
      • EIOPA Filing Rules engine
      • SRB Filing Rules engine
    • AIFMD validation engine (beta)


  • Converters
    • Conversion to/from CSV
      • Multiple output formats of CSV supported
      • Utilizing plain dimensional specification of data points
      • rc-code based output
    • Conversion to/from relational DB
      • Simple DB schema containing instance content and related part of taxonomy dictionary
      • Advanced DB schemas contaning (part of) taxonomy definiitions (e.g. Table Linkbase layer)
    • Conversion to/from MS Excel
      • Utilizing predefined Excel templates generated automatically from Table Linkbase taxonomies
      • Support for all kind of open axes in the taxonomy
      • Conversion errors handling allowing easy identification of affected data point and Excel cell
      • Plain Excel file used, without any add-ons required to be installed in MS Excel application


  • Quality assurance tools
    • Instance Generator
      • Generation of test instances for taxonomies
      • Support functional and performance tests of taxonomies
      • Useful for performance benchmarks as well
      • Additional features supporting Quality Assurance and analysis of the taxonomy
All components are extensible and customizable to specific customer needs.
Usage rules
All custom components are build on top of Interstage XWand processing engine - they require XWand to be available in execution environment.

Specific components might be available for either Java or .NET or both platforms.

Components are delivered as:
  • APIs following design principles of XWand API
  • Command-line tools
  • Plugins for Interstage XWand Toolkit applications

Komponenty XBRL dla taksonomii Europejskich

Custom components supporting customers in EU working with EBA / EIOPA / SRB / ESMA ESEF / ECB / ESRS taxonomies.

APIs and tools covering usage scenarios specific for EU region. Fully integrable with Interstage XWand API and Interstage XWand Toolkit.
  • Renderers
    • Instance content rendering to MS Excel
    • Following templates definition from taxonomy
    • Rendering validation errors on top of visualized templates content
    • Dedicated tabs with validation errors list
    • Cells references to simplify navigation through complex worksheets


  • Validators
    • European Filing Rules component
      • EBA Filing Rules engine
      • EIOPA Filing Rules engine
      • SRB Filing Rules engine
    • AIFMD validation engine (beta)


  • Converters
    • Conversion to/from CSV
      • Multiple output formats of CSV supported
      • Utilizing plain dimensional specification of data points
      • rc-code based output
    • Conversion to/from relational DB
      • Simple DB schema containing instance content and related part of taxonomy dictionary
      • Advanced DB schemas contaning (part of) taxonomy definiitions (e.g. Table Linkbase layer)
    • Conversion to/from MS Excel
      • Utilizing predefined Excel templates generated automatically from Table Linkbase taxonomies
      • Support for all kind of open axes in the taxonomy
      • Conversion errors handling allowing easy identification of affected data point and Excel cell
      • Plain Excel file used, without any add-ons required to be installed in MS Excel application


  • Quality assurance tools
    • Instance Generator
      • Generation of test instances for taxonomies
      • Support functional and performance tests of taxonomies
      • Useful for performance benchmarks as well
      • Additional features supporting Quality Assurance and analysis of the taxonomy
All components are extensible and customizable to specific customer needs.
All custom components are build on top of Interstage XWand processing engine - they require XWand to be available in execution environment.

Specific components might be available for either Java or .NET or both platforms.

Components are delivered as:
  • APIs following design principles of XWand API
  • Command-line tools
  • Plugins for Interstage XWand Toolkit applications