Dziękujemy, Jerzy Kowalski

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End-to-End Solutions for Regulators NCA's

Banking, Insurance and Pension Funds sectors (CRDIV, DPM Refit, Solvency II, PEPP, IORP II, SRB)

XWand is considered one of the most version- and taxonomy architecture-resilient solutions on the market. We guarantee 100% support of multidimensional (DPM and smartDPM) table linkbase-enabled taxonomies regardless of reporting regime:
  • European Banking Authority (EBA) taxonomies based on CRD IV standards: COREP, FINREP, DPM Refit, Asset Encumbrance, Supervisory Benchmarking Portfolios, Funding Plans, and xBRL OIM etc.
  • European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) taxonomies based on Solvency II, PEPP, IORP II regulations
  • Single Resolution Board (SRB) taxonomies  based on liability data templates and ex-ante contributions reporting requirements
  • European Central Bank (ECB) extensions and national level regulator extensions of the above taxonomies
  • Central Bank of Russia (CBRF) taxonomies based on IFRS and Russian GAAP standards and transactional reporting of supervisory and statistical data
Capital markets (ESMA ESEF, US SEC)

For stock exchanges and OAM organizations, we offer a range of Inline XBRL processing solutions that will help to meet from  the day one both the minimum requirements of European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for the year 2020 as well as year’s ahead objectives of EU Capital Market Union, including sustainability reporting.
Our solutions have contributed and supported US SEC taxonomy project since its inception.
Public sector and SBR programmes

XWand tools are market-proven in the most technically demanding programmes - Standard Business Reporting (SBR); which are focused on standardization, harmonization and normalization of technologies, practices as well as communication channels in multi-government agency environments.
Our solutions are used in the most exemplary country-wide XBRL projects incl. Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Australia etc.
Financial sector (CRDIV, Solvency II, IORP II, PEPP, DPM Refit, xBRL OIM)
  • Design
    • Our technical consultants are ready to advise on the data modelling, data governance strategies and submission platform architectures
  • Implementation
    • XWand taxonomy creation tools are 100% compliant with international best practices e.g. DataPoint Modelling (DPM) and hybrid/smart DPM
    • Fujtsu Interstage XWand Runtime and Toolkit meets all XBRL conformance suites and belongs to the elitist circle of officially approved and certified software by XBRL International consortium
  • Multi-level automated Validation of 100% correctness and consistency of reports from technical and business point of view:
    • XBRL 2.1 syntax validation engine
    • Dimensions syntax validation engine
    • Table Linkbase and Formula validation engine
    • European Filing Rules validation engine, including out-of-the-box coverage of EBA, EIOPA and SRB variants
  • Testing
    • Programmable SQL-like quality check rules to validate naming conventions as well as architecture principles directly on the taxonomy artefacts
    • Set of generation components to facilitate the immediate performance and functional testing of backend systems without necessity of having real data
  • Internal Usage and support for market adoption
    • Our extensive product portfolio consists of command-line and API components (powered by XWand processing engine) which can be used for the development of fully automated XBRL-enabled collection processes in your organization:
      • Creation of well-formed and mappable Excel templates that can serve as an alternative format for filers in an early stage of project and as an complementary solution to pure XBRL instance collection processes
      • Conversion to/from CSV
      • Conversion to/from MS Excel
      • Conversion to/from relational DB
      • Validators (XBRL syntax, Filing Rules, Business Rules)
      • Renderers (Excel templates generation without the instance content, user-friendly visualization of errors)
    • All of the above functionalities can be purchased separately or as ready to use end-to-end WebSubmission Portal with feature-rich frontend
  • Services
In 2016, Fujitsu was recognized by XBRL International consortium with Sustaining Partner status for his continuous contribution in the expansion of the use of XBRL standard, creation and promotion of agreed best practices and providing cost-efficient learning and training opportunities for XBRL users and stakeholders.

If you are interested in our taxonomy development, quality assurance and training services, please visit this website.


Capital markets (ESMA ESEF, ESEF Reporting Manual, US SEC)
  • Design
    • Our technical consultants are ready to coach you on XBRL, Inline XBRL implementations, data governance strategies and provide expert advice on submission platform and DB architecture design
  • Implementation
    • XWand taxonomy creation and extension tools for regulators are 100% compliant with international best practices e.g. ITA (Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture) used by IFRS and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
    • Fujtsu Interstage XWand Runtime and Toolkit meets all XBRL conformance suites and belongs to the elitist circle of officially approved and certified software by XBRL International consortium
  • Multi-level automated Validation of 100% correctness and consistency of reports from technical and business point of view:
    • Inline XBRL 1.1
    • XBRL 2.1 syntax validation engine
    • Dimensions syntax validation engine
    • Table Linkbase and Formula validation engine
    • Filing Rules validation engine, including out-of-the-box coverage of EDGAR, GFM and ESEF variants
  • Testing
    • Programmable SQL-like quality check rules to validate IFRS and your own custom style guide as well as architecture principles of taxonomy extensions directly on the XBRL artefacts (no coding and DB loading step is required)
    • Set of generation components to facilitate the immediate performance and functional testing of backend systems without necessity of having real data
  • Internal Usage and support for market adoption
    • Our extensive product portfolio consists of command-line and API components (powered by XWand processing engine) which can be used for the development of fully automated XBRL-enabled collection processes in your organization:
      • Generator of uniform Inline XBRL documents directly from XBRL instance, Excel templates, CSV files
      • Interactive Inline XBRL Viewer in web browser with taxonomy-rich content, equipped with searching/filtering functionality and visualisation of validation results (XBRL syntax, Filing Rules, Business Rules) in an user-friendly manner on top of HTML
      • WYSIWYG Inline XBRL Editor for interactive detail- and block-tagging based on presentation and definition linkbase
      • Quality Tagging Assurance processes support through proprietary text mining and AI algorithms
      • Validators (Inline XBRL syntax, XBRL syntax, ESEF and custom iXBRL style guides, Business Rules)
    • All of the above functionalities can be purchased separately or as ready to use end-to-end WebSubmission Portal with feature-rich frontend
  • Services
In 2016, Fujitsu was recognized by XBRL International consortium with Sustaining Partner status for his continuous contribution in the expansion of the use of XBRL standard, creation and promotion of agreed best practices and providing cost-efficient learning and training opportunities for XBRL users and stakeholders.

If you are interested in our taxonomy development, quality assurance and training services, please visit this website.
Public sector and SBR programmes
  • Design
    • Our technical consultants are ready to coach you on XBRL, Inline XBRL implementations, data governance strategies and provide expert advice on submission platform and DB architecture design
  • Implementation
    • XWand taxonomy creation and extension tools for regulators are 100% compliant with international best practices e.g. ITA, DPM, Hybrids
    • Fujtsu Interstage XWand Runtime and Toolkit meets all XBRL conformance suites and belongs to the elitist circle of officially approved and certified software by XBRL International consortium
  • Multi-level automated Validation of 100% correctness and consistency of reports from technical and business point of view:
    • Inline XBRL 1.1
    • XBRL 2.1 syntax validation engine
    • Dimensions syntax validation engine
    • Table Linkbase and Formula validation engine
    • Filing Rules validation engine, including out-of-the-box coverage of EDGAR, GFM and ESEF variants
  • Testing
    • Programmable SQL-like quality check rules to validate IFRS and your own custom style guide as well as architecture principles of taxonomy extensions directly on the XBRL artefacts (no coding and DB loading step is required)
    • Set of generation components to facilitate the immediate performance and functional testing of backend systems without necessity of having real data
  • Internal Usage and support for market adoption
    • Our extensive product portfolio consists of command-line and API components (powered by XWand processing engine) which can be used for the development of fully automated XBRL-enabled collection processes in your organization:
      • Creation of well-formed and mappable Excel templates that can serve as an alternative format for filers in an early stage of project and as an complementary solution to pure XBRL instance collection processes
      • Conversion to/from CSV
      • Conversion to/from MS Excel
      • Conversion to/from relational DB
      • Renderers (Excel templates generation without the instance content, user-friendly visualization of errors)
      • Generator of uniform Inline XBRL documents directly from XBRL instance, Excel templates, CSV files
      • Interactive Inline XBRL Viewer in web browser with taxonomy-rich content, equipped with searching/filtering functionality and visualisation of validation results (XBRL syntax, Filing Rules, Business Rules) in an user-friendly manner on top of HTML
      • WYSIWYG Inline XBRL Editor for interactive detail- and block-tagging based on presentation and definition linkbase
      • Quality Tagging Assurance processes support through proprietary text mining and AI algorithms
      • Validators (Inline XBRL syntax, XBRL syntax, ESEF and custom iXBRL style guides, Business Rules)
    • All of the above functionalities can be purchased separately or as ready to use end-to-end WebSubmission Portal with feature-rich frontend
  • Services
In 2016, Fujitsu was recognized by XBRL International consortium with Sustaining Partner status for his continuous contribution in the expansion of the use of XBRL standard, creation and promotion of agreed best practices and providing cost-efficient learning and training opportunities for XBRL users and stakeholders.

If you are interested in our taxonomy development, quality assurance and training services, please visit this website.

End-to-End Solutions for Regulators NCA's

Banking, Insurance and Pension Funds sectors (CRDIV, DPM Refit, Solvency II, PEPP, IORP II, SRB)

XWand is considered one of the most version- and taxonomy architecture-resilient solutions on the market. We guarantee 100% support of multidimensional (DPM and smartDPM) table linkbase-enabled taxonomies regardless of reporting regime:
  • European Banking Authority (EBA) taxonomies based on CRD IV standards: COREP, FINREP, DPM Refit, Asset Encumbrance, Supervisory Benchmarking Portfolios, Funding Plans, and xBRL OIM etc.
  • European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) taxonomies based on Solvency II, PEPP, IORP II regulations
  • Single Resolution Board (SRB) taxonomies  based on liability data templates and ex-ante contributions reporting requirements
  • European Central Bank (ECB) extensions and national level regulator extensions of the above taxonomies
  • Central Bank of Russia (CBRF) taxonomies based on IFRS and Russian GAAP standards and transactional reporting of supervisory and statistical data
Capital markets (ESMA ESEF, US SEC)

For stock exchanges and OAM organizations, we offer a range of Inline XBRL processing solutions that will help to meet from  the day one both the minimum requirements of European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for the year 2020 as well as year’s ahead objectives of EU Capital Market Union, including sustainability reporting.
Our solutions have contributed and supported US SEC taxonomy project since its inception.
Public sector and SBR programmes

XWand tools are market-proven in the most technically demanding programmes - Standard Business Reporting (SBR); which are focused on standardization, harmonization and normalization of technologies, practices as well as communication channels in multi-government agency environments.
Our solutions are used in the most exemplary country-wide XBRL projects incl. Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Australia etc.
  • Design
    • Our technical consultants are ready to advise on the data modelling, data governance strategies and submission platform architectures
  • Implementation
    • XWand taxonomy creation tools are 100% compliant with international best practices e.g. DataPoint Modelling (DPM) and hybrid/smart DPM
    • Fujtsu Interstage XWand Runtime and Toolkit meets all XBRL conformance suites and belongs to the elitist circle of officially approved and certified software by XBRL International consortium
  • Multi-level automated Validation of 100% correctness and consistency of reports from technical and business point of view:
    • XBRL 2.1 syntax validation engine
    • Dimensions syntax validation engine
    • Table Linkbase and Formula validation engine
    • European Filing Rules validation engine, including out-of-the-box coverage of EBA, EIOPA and SRB variants
  • Testing
    • Programmable SQL-like quality check rules to validate naming conventions as well as architecture principles directly on the taxonomy artefacts
    • Set of generation components to facilitate the immediate performance and functional testing of backend systems without necessity of having real data
  • Internal Usage and support for market adoption
    • Our extensive product portfolio consists of command-line and API components (powered by XWand processing engine) which can be used for the development of fully automated XBRL-enabled collection processes in your organization:
      • Creation of well-formed and mappable Excel templates that can serve as an alternative format for filers in an early stage of project and as an complementary solution to pure XBRL instance collection processes
      • Conversion to/from CSV
      • Conversion to/from MS Excel
      • Conversion to/from relational DB
      • Validators (XBRL syntax, Filing Rules, Business Rules)
      • Renderers (Excel templates generation without the instance content, user-friendly visualization of errors)
    • All of the above functionalities can be purchased separately or as ready to use end-to-end WebSubmission Portal with feature-rich frontend
  • Services
In 2016, Fujitsu was recognized by XBRL International consortium with Sustaining Partner status for his continuous contribution in the expansion of the use of XBRL standard, creation and promotion of agreed best practices and providing cost-efficient learning and training opportunities for XBRL users and stakeholders.

If you are interested in our taxonomy development, quality assurance and training services, please visit this website.


  • Design
    • Our technical consultants are ready to coach you on XBRL, Inline XBRL implementations, data governance strategies and provide expert advice on submission platform and DB architecture design
  • Implementation
    • XWand taxonomy creation and extension tools for regulators are 100% compliant with international best practices e.g. ITA (Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture) used by IFRS and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
    • Fujtsu Interstage XWand Runtime and Toolkit meets all XBRL conformance suites and belongs to the elitist circle of officially approved and certified software by XBRL International consortium
  • Multi-level automated Validation of 100% correctness and consistency of reports from technical and business point of view:
    • Inline XBRL 1.1
    • XBRL 2.1 syntax validation engine
    • Dimensions syntax validation engine
    • Table Linkbase and Formula validation engine
    • Filing Rules validation engine, including out-of-the-box coverage of EDGAR, GFM and ESEF variants
  • Testing
    • Programmable SQL-like quality check rules to validate IFRS and your own custom style guide as well as architecture principles of taxonomy extensions directly on the XBRL artefacts (no coding and DB loading step is required)
    • Set of generation components to facilitate the immediate performance and functional testing of backend systems without necessity of having real data
  • Internal Usage and support for market adoption
    • Our extensive product portfolio consists of command-line and API components (powered by XWand processing engine) which can be used for the development of fully automated XBRL-enabled collection processes in your organization:
      • Generator of uniform Inline XBRL documents directly from XBRL instance, Excel templates, CSV files
      • Interactive Inline XBRL Viewer in web browser with taxonomy-rich content, equipped with searching/filtering functionality and visualisation of validation results (XBRL syntax, Filing Rules, Business Rules) in an user-friendly manner on top of HTML
      • WYSIWYG Inline XBRL Editor for interactive detail- and block-tagging based on presentation and definition linkbase
      • Quality Tagging Assurance processes support through proprietary text mining and AI algorithms
      • Validators (Inline XBRL syntax, XBRL syntax, ESEF and custom iXBRL style guides, Business Rules)
    • All of the above functionalities can be purchased separately or as ready to use end-to-end WebSubmission Portal with feature-rich frontend
  • Services
In 2016, Fujitsu was recognized by XBRL International consortium with Sustaining Partner status for his continuous contribution in the expansion of the use of XBRL standard, creation and promotion of agreed best practices and providing cost-efficient learning and training opportunities for XBRL users and stakeholders.

If you are interested in our taxonomy development, quality assurance and training services, please visit this website.
  • Design
    • Our technical consultants are ready to coach you on XBRL, Inline XBRL implementations, data governance strategies and provide expert advice on submission platform and DB architecture design
  • Implementation
    • XWand taxonomy creation and extension tools for regulators are 100% compliant with international best practices e.g. ITA, DPM, Hybrids
    • Fujtsu Interstage XWand Runtime and Toolkit meets all XBRL conformance suites and belongs to the elitist circle of officially approved and certified software by XBRL International consortium
  • Multi-level automated Validation of 100% correctness and consistency of reports from technical and business point of view:
    • Inline XBRL 1.1
    • XBRL 2.1 syntax validation engine
    • Dimensions syntax validation engine
    • Table Linkbase and Formula validation engine
    • Filing Rules validation engine, including out-of-the-box coverage of EDGAR, GFM and ESEF variants
  • Testing
    • Programmable SQL-like quality check rules to validate IFRS and your own custom style guide as well as architecture principles of taxonomy extensions directly on the XBRL artefacts (no coding and DB loading step is required)
    • Set of generation components to facilitate the immediate performance and functional testing of backend systems without necessity of having real data
  • Internal Usage and support for market adoption
    • Our extensive product portfolio consists of command-line and API components (powered by XWand processing engine) which can be used for the development of fully automated XBRL-enabled collection processes in your organization:
      • Creation of well-formed and mappable Excel templates that can serve as an alternative format for filers in an early stage of project and as an complementary solution to pure XBRL instance collection processes
      • Conversion to/from CSV
      • Conversion to/from MS Excel
      • Conversion to/from relational DB
      • Renderers (Excel templates generation without the instance content, user-friendly visualization of errors)
      • Generator of uniform Inline XBRL documents directly from XBRL instance, Excel templates, CSV files
      • Interactive Inline XBRL Viewer in web browser with taxonomy-rich content, equipped with searching/filtering functionality and visualisation of validation results (XBRL syntax, Filing Rules, Business Rules) in an user-friendly manner on top of HTML
      • WYSIWYG Inline XBRL Editor for interactive detail- and block-tagging based on presentation and definition linkbase
      • Quality Tagging Assurance processes support through proprietary text mining and AI algorithms
      • Validators (Inline XBRL syntax, XBRL syntax, ESEF and custom iXBRL style guides, Business Rules)
    • All of the above functionalities can be purchased separately or as ready to use end-to-end WebSubmission Portal with feature-rich frontend
  • Services
In 2016, Fujitsu was recognized by XBRL International consortium with Sustaining Partner status for his continuous contribution in the expansion of the use of XBRL standard, creation and promotion of agreed best practices and providing cost-efficient learning and training opportunities for XBRL users and stakeholders.

If you are interested in our taxonomy development, quality assurance and training services, please visit this website.